Ulrich Stege

Ulrich Stege

Executive Secretary

Ulrich Stege is an International University College of Turin (IUC) (www.iuctorino.org)* Faculty Member and Director of the IUC Clinical Legal Education Program. In 2017-2018, he was a Lecturer at the University of Pretoria Law Clinic (South Africa). In 2022-2023 he has been on exchange in Morocco, collaborating for example with the Law Clinic of the University Mohammed V of Rabat-Agdal (Morocco). 

He studied law in Germany, France, and Belgium. In addition to his role at the IUC, he is a practicing lawyer and member of the Italian and German bars. He has been a speaker, expert, and trainer in numerous conferences, international expert groups, and training of trainers on subjects including European Law, asylum and immigration law, trafficking in human beings, and clinical legal education. Since 2019, he is collaborating with the Italian Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI) and its MEDEA project related to migrants’ rights on internal EU borders (https://medea.asgi.it/). 

He is Co-President of the Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) (https://www.gaje.org/Executive-Committee), a founding member and Executive Secretary of the European Network for Clinical Education (ENCLE) (www.encle.eu), a board member of the Italian Law Clinic Network, and member of the Francophone Network of Legal Clinics (Réseau des Cliniques Juridiques Francophones - https://www.cliniques-juridiques.org/), ASGI (Italy – www.asgi.it) and the Migration Law Network (Germany – www.netzwerk-migrationsrecht.de).